image:C.Hope for Style Wylde
Dear Haikusue:
For pretty much the last 10 years of my life I have been working. It's been all summer jobs at the mall, arranging my college course load to allow part time and internships, and then the low paying office admin job I've had since graduating. I've always known I had to get out there and get my career going instead of wasting time 'finding myself' like everyone else. The trouble is, now that I am 25 I feel like I am in danger of missing out on the opportunity to travel. In just a few years I'll probably be married with kids and then things like backpacking across Europe will be impossible. So now I am thinking of making time for an extended trip, but I can't really afford to not work for months on end, and I don't want there to be a huge gap on my resume. How can I take advantage of my 'no strings' life and travel without going bankrupt or looking like a slacker to future employers?
Homebound in the Outer Mission
Dear Homebound:
Blend career, travel
Work abroad programs abound
Interexchange, JET